
Olympic Sponsorship Has Less Impact On Europeans

Olympic Sponsorship Has Less Impact On Europeans

Sponsoring this year’s Olympic games in Athens has a far greater impact on American consumers than it does on those in Europe, according to the latest research from Dynamic Logic.

The independent marketing effectiveness researcher found that one in four North American consumers claims to pay closer attention to adverts that mention or have some kind of association with the Olympics, compared to just 12 of Europeans.

The survey, which was carried out last month, also found that a far greater number of North American consumers are more likely than their European counterparts to pay attention to adverts featuring the Olympic rings – 66% of respondents compared with 51%.

Around half of the North American consumers that took part in the study said they viewed the Olympic sponsors as leaders in their field, compared with just 40% of Europeans. However, both North American and European respondents recognised the supports of companies that sponsor the Olympics.

The high levels of publicity surrounding the games appears to have had little affect on consumers with just 51% recalling any advertising that carried the tagline ‘official sponsors of the 2004 Olympic Games’. Only slightly more respondents (61%) recall noticing adverts featuring the Olympic rings.

The study could prompt the headline sponsors of the Athens games, such as Coca-Cola, Kodak and Adidas to question the value of their investment in the event. It is understood that each brand has paid around £33 million to be associated with this year’s Olympics.

A recent survey conducted by a global network of independent advertising agencies found that advertisers in the UK seem to be showing very little interest in the 2004 Athens Olympics with only 3% of marketing activity in the run-up and during the games related to the event itself.

Colorado based ICOM surveyed members in more than 25 countries and found that while the UK seems to be paying very little attention to the event, advertisers in sports-mad Australia are expected to plough 70% of marketing efforts towards the Olympic Games (see UK Advertisers Place Little Importance On Summer Olympics).

Dynamic Logic: 0207 152 4004 www.dynamiclogic.com

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