
One in five TVs sold in the US to be 3D

One in five TVs sold in the US to be 3D

Flatscreen Television

By 2013, one in five new TVs sold in the US will be 3D, according to new research from In-Stat.

Year on year shipment growth in the US will be 231% between 2010 and 2011, it said, resulting in a doubling of the installed base of 3DTVs across that period.

Stephanie Ethier, In-Stat analyst, said: “High definition did create a wave of activity in the US market, not seen since the introduction of colour.

“3DTV promises to be the next significant innovation wave for living room entertainment.”

KPMG’s recent Media and Entertainment Barometer found that while in the UK more than a quarter (27%) of respondents have viewed a 3D film at the cinema during the past 12 months, just 15% said they were likely to buy a 3DTV next time they purchase a TV set.

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