
Online Auction Site Launches For Media Buyers

Online Auction Site Launches For Media Buyers

Media buyers will soon be able to bid for advertising space using a new online business exchange listing a range of press, internet, broadcast and outdoor opportunities.

From spring 2005, Myadbase.com will allow media buyers to view and purchase advertising space via an online auction or fixed pricing method similar to that currently used by online shopping site Ebay.

Admedia Solutions, the company behind the initiative, is currently building up a detailed database of media opportunities. Users will sign-up to Myadbase.com to view the information, before contacting the media owner directly to conclude the deal.

Andrew Long, co-founder of Admedia Solutions, said: “I have seen many changes in the way people buy and sell advertising space. We are developing Myadbase.com to provide buyers and sellers with an effective search and buy platform that is easy to use. Although, our initial launch is for the UK and Ireland, a partner program is in place where international media specialists can use the existing Myadbase.com template for their own market and country.”

He added: “Myadbase.com will soon be the only portal advertising buyers and sellers will need. More importantly, it makes it easy for people to do business. We have a whole host of complementary services available to all freely registered users.”

Admedia Solutions also offers a direct sales solution for publishers wanting someone to work with them on their advertising sales project. They appoint the right person for the job and support both parties at all times. This service can be found on the custom services link from the home page at www.myadbase.com.

Admedia Solutions: 01480 357 357 www.myadbase.com

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