
Online Usage Round-Up: 2005 Sees Internet Users Multiplying

Online Usage Round-Up: 2005 Sees Internet Users Multiplying

People Using A Computer The total number of internet users accelerated at a higher rate throughout the last quarter of 2005, compared to the same period in 2004 according to figures released by BMRB, with the internet’s growth showing no signs of slowing.

The total number of people using the internet is now estimated to be 26.6 million, a 12.8% increase from the same time in 2004. This dwarfs the growth in users in the same period from 2003 to 2004, which rose by 7.3%.

Usage Location

The biggest increase in usage has come from the number of people using the web at home. The Home Internet Users category now stands at 24.3 million, a healthy increase of 19.8% year on year. This represents a much sharper rise compared to the last quarter of 2004, where users increased by 7.9% year on year.

The increased use of the internet in the home can be put down to a number of factors, including the availability of fast broadband packages, and decisions by a number of media owners such as BBC and Channel 4 to place more content online.

Internet Users By Location
(‘000s) 4th Qtr 03 4th Qtr 04 4th Qtr 05 YoY % Change Q403 – Q404 YoY % Change Q404 – Q405
All users 22,016 23,620 26,633 7.3 12.8
Work users 7,370 8,015 8,814 8.8 10.0
Home users 18,871 20,370 24,394 7.9 19.8
Academic users 3,380 3,112 3,240 -7.9 4.1


Men stay ahead of women in terms of the number of users, with 14.11 million men accessing the web compared to 12.5 million women. Women now account for 47% of all usage, up 1% from the same period in the previous year.

Internet Users By Gender
(millions) 4th Qtr 03 4th Qtr 04 4th Qtr 05 YoY % Change 03 – 04 YoY % Change 04 – 05
Male 11.88 12.75 14.11 7.3 10.7
Female 10.12 10.86 12.5 7.3 15.2


The latest figures from BMRB suggest that the internet is gaining popularity with the older generation, with the biggest increases in usage amongst the 55-64 and over 65 year old groups. There are now 3.19 million 55-64 year olds online, a 23.1% growth from the last quarter of 2004. Furthermore, the over 65’s now account for 1.86 million of total internet users and usage in this sector has risen by 31.9% year on year.

All of this points to the fact that the internet is shifting to an older demographic and the ‘silver surfer’ is now at home on the web. 35-44 year olds represent the biggest age grouping amongst users, accounting for 6.12 million in total, with 15-24 year olds not far behind with 5.32 million users.

Internet Users By Age
(millions) 4th Qtr 03 4th Qtr 04 4th Qtr 05 YoY % Change 03 – 04 YoY % Change 04 – 05
15-24 5.06 5.19 5.59 2.57 7.71
25-34 4.62 4.96 5.32 7.36 7.26
35-44 5.06 5.43 6.12 7.31 12.71
45-54 3.52 4.01 4.52 13.92 12.72
55-64 2.42 2.59 3.19 7.02 23.17
65+ 1.32 1.41 1.86 6.82 31.91

Social Grade

The internet appears to be broadening its social appeal, with people in the DE grouping connecting at a quicker rate than any of the other groups. Usage amongst this sector rose by 29.9% year on year, suggesting that they are the main beneficiaries of competition amongst internet service providers.

There are now 3.9 million online users in the DE bracket, compared with 2.86 million two years ago, suggesting that internet access is no longer a premium commodity.

Usage remains highest at the top end of the social scale however, with AB and C1’s both registering 8.78 million users, accounting for 66% of all internet users. The year on year growth is much slower amongst these groups, however, rising by 6.3% amongst AB’s and 9.33% in the C1 category.

Internet Users By Social Grade
(millions) 4th Qtr 03 4th Qtr 04 4th Qtr 05 YoY % Change 03 – 04 YoY % Change 04 – 05
AB 7.7 8.26 8.78 7.27 6.30
C1 7.48 8.03 8.78 7.35 9.34
C2 3.96 4.25 5.06 7.32 19.06
DE 2.86 3.07 3.99 7.34 29.97

BMRB: www.bmrb.co.uk

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