
Online Usage Round-Up Q1 2007: Net Usage Growth Up More Than 7%

Online Usage Round-Up Q1 2007: Net Usage Growth Up More Than 7%

Man Online The number of internet users now stands at over 29.6 million according to figures released by BMRB, for the first quarter of 2007. This represents a 7.14% growth from the same period last year.

The total number of people going online is now around five million more than it was two years ago.

Usage Location

The number of home users continues to grow at a steady rate, with 27.7 million people logging on from home over the past quarter. This is an increase of around 2.3 million from the previous year.

This means that there are now more than 5.5 million more home internet users than there were in 2005.

Internet Users By Location
(‘000s) 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 1st Qtr 07 YoY % Change Q105 – Q106 YoY % Change Q106 – Q107
All users 24.625 27.659 29.634 12.32 7.14
Work users 8.413 9.459 10.023 12.43 5.96
Home users 22.167 25.414 27.707 14.64 9.02
Academic users 3.356 3.487 3.277 3.9 -6.02


Men continue to be the dominant users of the web with 15.4 million of them logging on over the past quarter.

The number of women using the web though is increasing at a quicker rate than amongst men. There are now 14.2 million women accessing the web, an increase of nearly 9.5 million from 2006.

Internet Users By Gender
(millions) 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 1st Qtr 07 YoY % Change 05- 06 YoY % Change 06 – 07
Male 13.29 14.65 15.4 10.23 5.11
Female 11.32 12.99 14.22 14.75 9.46


The number of people aged 65+ going online has increased by over 22% since 2006. The total figure now stands at 2.37 million. This is by far the largest increase across the various age groupings.

People aged between 35 and 44 are still the most predominant users, accounting for 6.8 million users in total.

Internet Users By Age
(millions) 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 1st Qtr 07 YoY % Change 05- 06 YoY % Change 06 – 07
15-24 5.41 5.8 5.92 7.2 2.06
25-34 5.17 5.53 5.92 6.96 7.05
35-44 5.66 6.36 6.81 12.36 7.07
45-54 4.18 4.7 5.03 12.44 7.02
55-64 2.7 3.31 3.55 22.5 7.25
65+ 1.47 1.93 2.37 31.2 22.7

Social Grade

There are now 19.2 million people in the AB and C1 categories now online, an increase of over 2.5 million from 2005.

The C2 and DE also experienced growth, and those two combined make up 10.3 million users.

Internet Users By Social Grade
(millions) 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 1st Qtr 07 YoY % Change 05- 06 YoY % Change 06 – 07
AB 8.37 8.85 9.48 5.73 7.11
C1 8.37 9.12 9.77 8.96 7.12
C2 4.43 5.25 5.63 18.51 7.23
DE 3.44 4.42 4.74 28.48 7.23

BMRB: www.bmrb.co.uk

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