
Out Of Home Billings Grew By 2.5% During 2002

Out Of Home Billings Grew By 2.5% During 2002

Out of home advertising saw billings increase by 2.5% year on year during 2002 to reach £687 million, according to the latest report from outdoor buying company, Blade.

The figures show that despite a flat performance during the first half of the year, the out of home market experienced a return to growth in the third quarter of 2002, with further improvement recorded during the fourth quarter.

Six sheets continued to command the greatest share of the sector’s total spend during 2002, accounting for 28% of the available revenue. The bladeTRACKER report suggests that dynamic pricing from Adshel prompted other 6-sheet suppliers to be more aggressive and flexible in their attempts to attract business, resulting in increased demand across the whole format.

48-sheets accounted for 24% of out of home revenue last year, with increased investment, better illumination and a more scrolling sites from JCDecaux and Clear Channel helping to attract telecomm, motor and entertainment advertisers into the market.

Bus advertising experienced one of the sector’s best end-of-year results, with Viacom Outdoor’s Jubilee buses (see Viacom Outdoor Secures Brands For Jubilee Packages), general rate-flexibility and increased passenger numbers helping the category to command a 10% share of the market’s total spend.

The popularity of giant formats continued during 2002, with increasing opportunities attracting a range of advertisers to the rapidly expanding sector, which saw revenues increase by more than 30% year on year.

According to the report, ambient media opportunities had to work harder than any other sector to secure budgets during 2002, with brand managers opting for more traditional formats over what is often viewed as a stunt led-medium.

Digital outdoor fared relatively well last year, with Maiden and Translucis leading the market in terms of revenue generation. However, Blade notes that Viacom’s XTP system and in-store screens are needed to make this sector account for any real share of the market.

Despite the end to tobacco advertising (see Government Puts Deadlines On Tobacco Ad Ban), Blade predicts that 2003 will be a strong year for out of home media, with rates set to increase by just over 3% and overall revenue to reach £719 million, a year on year increase on 4.5%.

The latest figures from the Outdoor Advertising Association show that total outdoor revenue increased by 1.9% year on year during 2002 to £690 million (see Outdoor Revenue Rises By 15% During Quarter Four 2002). Entertainment, media and leisure brands were the heaviest outdoor advertisers during 2002, spending £114 million in the sector over the course of the year.

Blade: 020 7612 1300

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