
Outdoor Car Ads Forced To Contain C02 Warnings

Outdoor Car Ads Forced To Contain C02 Warnings

Car A Department for Transport (DfT) review of its recommendations on C02 emissions in promotional literature is set to change car manufacturers current ad campaigns.

EU law currently states that car manufacturers must include CO2 emission information on all promotional material, which the DfT previously defined as brochures, letters and material with significant textual content.

However, the DfT has now been forced to broaden the marketing material to include posters and some print ads, following pressure from environmental groups.

The Vehicle Certification Agency has changed its definition to include material which is largely graphical with limited textual content – meaning street advertisements will also need to stick to the regulations.

It is unclear whether the new interpretation of the guidelines will stretch to print ads but the DfT has reassured advertisers that they will be given enough time to make changes to current ads.

The European Commission has started a month-long public consultation to decide if print advertising should also include CO2 emission warnings.

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