
Owners of Digital Music Players Have High Affinity For Online Shopping

Owners of Digital Music Players Have High Affinity For Online Shopping

The owners of digital music players (DMPs) in the US represent an attractive audience for consumer electronics advertisers, according to new research from comScore Networks.

ComScore says that 27% of all US internet users currently own one or more DMPs, with online DMP owners slightly more likely to be male (53%) and more than one third (37%) between the ages of 18-34.

The comScore research also shows that 36% of online DMP owners have an annual household income above $75,000 and they are 66% more likely than the average internet user to have an annual household income above $150,000.

Online DMP owners also show a high affinity for online shopping, with 49% agreeing that the internet is the easiest way to shop, and 94% reporting that they shopped online in the past six months.

Jack Flanagan, executive vice president of comScore Media Metrix, said: “With the launch of Zune, Microsoft is targeting a highly desirable audience segment.

“As Zune gains in popularity, it will be interesting to observe how this segment of DMP owners differs from those who own iPods and other DMPs already in the marketplace.”

According to the research, DMP owners are twice as likely as non-DMP owners to have web-enabled video game consoles, 80% more likely to own a satellite radio system and 57% more likely to own a plasma/flat screen TV.

Ownership of Consumer Electronics Products, Among Online DMP Owners, Indexed to US Online Population Age 18+ 
Source: comScore Plan Metrix, Summer 2006 
Consumer Electronics Owned  Index 
Web-enabled video game console 205
PDA 189
Handheld video game 185
Satellite radio system 180
Digital Video recorder (e.g. TiVo) 172
Plasma/Flat screen TV 157
Digital TV/HDTV 149
Home theatre system 149
Digital still camera 136
Digital video camera 135
Note: Composition index is the propensity of online DMP Owners to own specific electronics devices, compared to the average Internet user. An index of 100 represents parity. An index of 205 should be read as ‘DMP owners are 105% more likely than average to own that particular electronic device.’

ComScore adds that unsurprisingly, technology-adept online DMP owners are also highly internet savvy individuals. These consumers tend to be medium-to-heavy internet users, with 83% going online seven days a week.

They are 58% more likely than the average internet user to be the first among their peers to buy new gadgets, and are 13% more likely to have purchased goods and services online in the past six months.

ComScore’s Plan Metrix analysis also revealed that online DMP owners are more prone to simultaneous media usage than the average internet user, and are especially likely to surf the internet while watching TV.

This group is 50% more likely than the average internet user to visit a related chat room while watching a TV show, and 49% more likely to visit a related web site during a program.

Importantly, DMP owners are 40% more likely than the average internet user to research or browse products featured in a TV show or ad shown within the program, and are 17% more likely than the norm to purchase a product featured in a TV show or ad.

Digital Music Player Owner’s Online Activity While Watching TV, Indexed To US Online Population, Age 18+ 
Source: comScore Plan Metrix, Summer 2006 
Online Activity  Index 
Visit a chat room about a TV show watched 150
Visit a Web site about a TV show watched 149
Research/ browse products featured in a TV show or ad 140
Search for TV listings/ show reviews 133
Purchase products featured on TV show or ad 117
Send e-mail/instant message about show watched 112
Note: Composition index is the propensity of a specific segment to visit a site compared to the average Internet user. An index of 100 represents parity. An index of 150 should be read as ’50 percent more likely than average to conduct the particular online activity while watching TV.’

In addition, comScore says that whilst online DMP owners use the internet while watching TV, they tend to be light TV viewers overall, with 45% watching TV less than 19 hours a week. In comparison, only 38% of internet users watch less than 19 hours of TV programming per week.

Not surprisingly, comScore says that these avid music fans are not heavy radio listeners, spending less than 14 hours per week listening to the radio.

However, when it comes to readership of publications, DMP owners fit the norm in newspaper readership, but show a partiality for magazines. They are 79% more likely than the average internet user to subscribe to 10 or more magazines, with 56% subscribing to at least two magazines and one-quarter subscribing to more than four magazines.

ComScore says that advertisers seeking to target DMP owners through offline vehicles should consider a variety of magazine formats, from entertainment to news.

Magazines Read – Past 30 Days, among Online DMP Owners, Indexed to US Online Population, Age 18+ 
Source: comScore Plan Metrix, Summer 2006 
Publication  Index 
Seventeen 213
The Economist 209
Rolling Stone 208
Fitness 189
Maxim 182
New York Times Magazine 180
YM 177
Men’s Health 173
Vanity Fair 171
Forbes 170
Note: Composition index is the propensity of a specific segment to visit a site compared to the average Internet user. An index of 100 represents parity. An index of 213 should be read as ‘113 percent more likely than average to read a particular magazine.’

In-Stat released research in August which predicted that US portable media player sales will reach 5 million units by the end of 2006, up from just 390,000 only two years ago (see Portable Media Player Market To Grow).

Meanwhile, Continental Research recently released a report which said that the iPod’s grip on the portable music device market could be challenged by consumers using the MP3 facility on their mobile handsets (see Mobile Phone MP3 Players Could Challenge iPod).

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