
Planners under growing pressure, new study reveals

Planners under growing pressure, new study reveals

Agency media planners are feeling the strain when it comes to maintaining relationships with media owners, according to new research from Wossname, with time and mounting pressure both key concerns.

In fact, 88% of respondents said that they regularly feel under pressure to make a media plan at short notice, while 84% said they do not have much time to research new media owner suppliers.

Additionally, the research found that two thirds of agency planners often have to ask colleagues for contact details, while only six in 10 are confident they know their main media reps.

More than half agreed that it is hard to keep track of changes on the media owner side, with magazines cited as being particularly ‘difficult’ by a third of planners.

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“This paints a challenging picture for media owners,” said Mike Baker, director of Wossname.

“Time pressure on planners means that there’s less time to get in and spread the word. It’s perhaps toughest on new or less mainstream media owners, who will struggle to get face time. Those companies need to work hard to make their media channels offerings understood and accessible.”

Key findings (% = definitely/tend to agree)

– “I am often under pressure to make a media plan at short notice.” (88%)

– “I don’t have much time to research new media owner suppliers.” (84%)

– “I don’t have more than a few hours a week face to face contact with media owners.” (80%)

– “I often have to ask my colleagues about the names of our sales reps.” (63%)

– “I am confident that I know the sales reps at the main media owners.” (62%)

– “I’ve been frustrated by the lack of ad contact information on media owner websites.” (52%)

– “Sales contacts change so frequently that it is difficult to keep track.” (52%)

– “Magazine sales contacts are particularly difficult to keep track of.” (31%)

– “I have altered a media plan because no sales contact was available.” (28%)

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