
PPA Uncover Power Of Magazine Advertising To Children

PPA Uncover Power Of Magazine Advertising To Children

PPA Logo Children’s magazines are an ideally placed medium to reach the younger generation, with new research, commissioned by the PPA, claiming they are an excellent “vehicle for advertisers.”

The report from research agency, Stimulating World, found that magazines offer a high quality of engagement with children and is approved of by parents over other media. Advertising was viewed favourably and as an integral and expected part of the magazine reading experience.

The study identified certain positive elements in children’s magazines, finding that magazines helped with a child’s development.

Parents were shown to be more at home with magazines than other media, with the report saying: “The real power of magazines is in helping adults to feel like good parents because magazines are considered to be educational and interactive.”

Magazines also provide quality time together with family members, keep kids occupied in a positive literacy way and involve using high levels of interactivity.

Commenting on the findings, Helen Stables, chair of the PPA Children’s Group said: “We know that children enjoy television, but the research shows children love magazines as well, and more importantly so do parents.”

She continued: “Whilst too much TV is considered bad, magazines are parents preferred choice as they are involving and engaging but also stretching and challenging. Our focus groups came up with some fascinating findings and advertisers looking to successfully and cost effectively target children should take note of this research.”

The research concluded that children’s magazines are a top medium for involving and engaging children, with the interactivity and perceived “ownership” of magazines allowing advertisers to cash in on the medium.

PPA: 020 7404 4166 www.ppa.co.uk

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