
Price Is The Priority For Mobile Consumers

Price Is The Priority For Mobile Consumers

In mature European mobile markets, price is the main reason for switching providers and operators need to refine their marketing plans to reflect the changing wireless environment.

A new Yankee Group report has found that 85% of European mobile users consider cheaper pricing to be the main lure when changing to a new provider.

The research group sets out a number of recommendations for European mobile network operators on methods of achieving growth in highly penetrated mobile markets and also counsels on branding, customer segmentation and retention, service pricing and distribution channels.

“The marketing divisions will acutely feel this shift in focus as marketing becomes the most important weapon in the MNOs’ armories,” said Declan Lonergan, Yankee Group Wireless/Mobile Europe director. “Pricing will remain the number one differentiator for MNOs as branding becomes the second most important factor in customers’ purchase decisions.”

“Additionally, customer segmentation is becoming more complex. Behavioural models are now playing a greater role and most MNOs have an evolutionary path for customer segmentation. Customer retention is currently heavily centred on handset upgrades at the point of renewal.”

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