Primesight injects £7 million into upgrading billboard estate

Out of home advertising media owner Primesight has announced that it will be investing £7 million into upgrading its nationwide billboard estate, which currently reaches over 8,000 sites across the UK.
The revamped sites are set to benefit from energy-saving LED illumination, with 1,400 road-facing and railway billboards being hauled out and, for the first time, 300 high definition road-side billboards introduced.
This follows a £2 million investment into backlit and digital billboards in 2011.
A long term deal with Sky has been reached to run continuous fortnightly campaigns on two thirds of the newly enhanced sites.
In addition to this, digital escalator panels will be installed on the Glasgow Subway, including advertisements from Santander and Talk Talk.
“Digital sites continue to be an important part of our portfolio,” said Naren Patel, CEO of Primesight. “Our investment in environments such as Glasgow Subway and cinema allows for full motion displays and interactivity which is perfect for digital.
“A significant proportion of our investment is directed at the bulk of our billboard estate which will benefit greatly as Route becomes more established and the importance of coverage and effectiveness will become better understood.”
The multimillion-pound investment is set to begin in April 2013 and expected to take approximately six months to complete.