
Public Apathy Over Broadband Persists, Says Jupiter

Public Apathy Over Broadband Persists, Says Jupiter

A new survey from Jupiter Research has revealed that a large proportion of European internet users are still reluctant to upgrade to broadband.

The study found that only 26% of web users were interested in getting broadband connection. A quarter of those surveyed said they would never switch to a high-speed service while 29% said they were unlikely to do so.

It is also evident that there are regional disparities in broadband access. In the UK, for instance, only 7% of internet users have high-speed connections. This compares unfavourably to Sweden where there is 29% penetration while Spain has 17% and France 11%.

“ISPs are right to be spending heavily promoting broadband as consumers are still sceptical as to the benefits it can bring,” said Jupiter Research analyst Dan Stevenson.

“The majority of existing internet users have stated that they are unlikely to upgrade to broadband. However, falling costs of access and increasing awareness of the benefits broadband brings will drive the market forward in future,” he insisted.

Although the UK has a higher proportion of internet users than other European countries, the figures show that it has ground to make up in the broadband sphere.

“Pricing, awareness, marketing – the UK was slow on all of them and it is only this year that broadband has become affordable,” said Stevenson. The government is committed to making the UK the best place for broadband but as things stand, Stevenson regards this objective as “completely unrealistic”.

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