
Publicis Makes It Big In Japan

Publicis Makes It Big In Japan

Publicis Groupe have announced the acquisition of Japanese marketing services agency Gravitas, to be immediately re-branded as Publicis Dialog and merged with Publicis Japan’s existing operations.

Sloan Carr, CEO designate for Publicis Japan commented: “Joining the Publicis network is a great match for Gravitas for two reasons: complementary businesses and shared philosophies. Since our firm was founded we’ve constantly tried to expand our capabilities as a relationship-marketing agency and we recently started developing a media communications business. At the same time, Publicis has been building a very successful advertising agency with expanding sales promotion and public relations capabilities”.

“Japan is a key market for our global clients”, said Maurice Lévy, Chairman/CEO of Publicis Groupe SA. “And it is a high priority in our global expansion strategy. This acquisition is a major step in our Japanese expansion. With it, not only do we scale up our operation, but we create a high-performance “holistic” agency, providing our clients with the fully integrated communication services they expect. Publicis Groupe SA will then rank among the most influential foreign agencies in Japan”.

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