
Radio Trading System J-ET Expands Coverage To Scotland

Radio Trading System J-ET Expands Coverage To Scotland

Jet Logo J-ET, the UK radio industry’s electronic trading system, launched in Scotland today at four media agencies and five radio sales points.

J-ET is run by MediaTel Group on behalf of the IPA and CRCA; handles well over 80% of all national radio revenue; and is already in full use at major sales points in London, Manchester, Leeds and Birmingham and at 21 of the top 25 media agencies.

Leading Scottish media agency Feather Brooksbank, which billed over £4m on radio last year on behalf of clients such as Accuma and Matalan, was the first agency north of the border to sign up to J-ET.

Joint Managing Director Giles Brooksbank commented: “From seeing the impact on existing J-ET agencies – including our own Manchester office – we know that J-ET brings genuine efficiencies to the radio buying process and enables us to analyse our radio campaigns on behalf of clients in more detail. J-ET has become an essential system for any agency serious about using radio these days.”

Katie Grist, Associate Director at MediaTel Group added: “We are delighted to expand J-ET into Scotland. The enthusiasm of the Scottish media community to start getting the benefits of the J-ET system is terrific, and we look forward to providing them with the same high level of service all J-ET customers have come to expect.”

MediaTel Group: 0207 439 7575 www.mediatelgroup.co.uk

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