
RAJAR Results Q3 2002 – Overall Summary

RAJAR Results Q3 2002 – Overall Summary

The RAJAR listening figures for the third quarter of 2002 show that, period on period, there has been little movement in terms of share. All BBC saw its share of listening remain unchanged at 52.6%, whilst All Commercial radio saw a slight 0.2% points drop to 45.3%, meaning that the BBC retains is edge for the time being.

All National Commercial radio stations experienced a 0.9% points decline period on period, but this was offset by All Local Commercial, which saw a 0.6% points increase during the third quarter of 2002. BBC Local Radio saw its share of listening remain stable at 11.0%.

September 2002 RAJAR Share Of Listening Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Jun 2002 Ending Sep 2002 % Point Change
All BBC Q 52.6 52.6 0.0
All BBC Network Radio Q 41.3 41.4 0.1
All Commercial Q 45.5 45.3 -0.2
All Local Commercial Q 37.5 38.1 0.6
All National Commercial Q 8.1 7.2 -0.9
BBC Local Radio Q 11.0 11.0 0.0
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.3 11.2 -0.1
Other Listening Q 1.9 2.1 0.2

The year on year analysis reveals a slightly more dynamic picture, with All BBC radio experiencing a 1.0% point increase in share, whilst All Commercial Radio fell by 1.2% points. All BBC Network Radio recorded a 1.2% point increase in share during the third quarter of this year, but BBC Local Radio fared less well, experiencing a 0.2% point decline. All Local Commercial also saw its share decline by 0.2% points to 38.1%.

During the quarter, weekly reach for All Radio improved by 0.1% period on period. However, the BBC had a less than impressive three months, with reach declining in all categories. All BBC saw its weekly reach slip by 0.1% and BBC Local/Regional saw a 0.9% decline.

In comparison, All Commercial saw its reach improve by 0.6% period on period, with All Local Commercial rising by 0.7%. However, All National Commercial fared less well, experiencing a 4.5% decline during Q3. The most significant movement was seen by Other Listening, which experienced a notable 20.9% increase in weekly reach.

September 2002 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Jun 2002 Ending Sep 2002 % Change
All BBC Q 32,585 32,545 -0.1
All BBC Network Radio Q 28,625 28,606 -0.1
All Commercial Q 31,583 31,786 0.6
All Local Commercial Q 26,905 27,085 0.7
All National Commercial Q 10,952 10,457 -4.5
All Radio Q 44,070 44,097 0.1
BBC Local Radio Q 39,574 39,549 -0.1
BBC Local/Regional Q 10,281 10,191 -0.9
Other Listening Q 2,675 3,234 20.9

Year on year, All Radio saw its weekly reach remain stable. However, within that All BBC managed a 0.6% increase and BBC Local Radio rose by 0.9%. All Commercial radio and All Local Commercial fared less well, both experiencing a 0.9% decline.

Average hours per listener were down across the board year on year, according to figures for the third quarter of 2002. All Radio experienced a 3.6% decline in average hours to 23.9. All Commercial fell by 5.1% year on year and All BBC slipped by 2.3% during the same period. All National Commercial was the worst hit, with a 7.6% year on year decline in average hours per listener to 7.3.

September 2002 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2001 Ending Sep 2002 % Change
All BBC Q 17.4 17.0 -2.3
All BBC Network Radio Q 15.6 15.3 -1.9
All Commercial Q 15.8 15.0 -5.1
All Local Commercial Q 15.3 14.8 -3.3
All National Commercial Q 7.9 7.3 -7.6
All Radio Q 24.8 23.9 -3.6
BBC Local Radio Q 12.1 12.0 -0.8
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.7 11.6 -0.9
Other Listening Q 7.2 7.0 -2.8

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