
RAJAR Results Q4 2001: Mixed Fortunes For London’s Commercial Radio Stations

RAJAR Results Q4 2001: Mixed Fortunes For London’s Commercial Radio Stations

The period ending December 2001 was one of mixed fortunes for London’s commercial radio stations. Kiss 100 FM added 6% to its weekly reach period on period and Capital FM saw a rise of 1.7%, bringing its reach to just below 3 million. At the other end of the scale, Jazz FM 102.2 saw a period on period fall of 20.2% and Magic 105.4 slipped 4.2% to just above the 1.3 million mark.

Among the smaller stations, London’s Liberty 963-972 AM and Fusion 107.3 saw impressive period on period increases in weekly reach. The former rose 260% to 72,000 and the latter improved by 150%, bringing its weekly reach to 10,000.

In terms of share, News Direct 97.3 FM and Sunrise Radio saw the greatest period on period increases, both improving their share by 0.5%. Capital FM continued to command the highest share of listening, remaining static at 10.9%. Heart 106.2 FM, which is second amongst London’s commercial radio stations in terms of share, saw a 0.4% increase to 6.2%.

Both Magic 105.4 and Kiss 100 FM saw share fall period on period. The former slipped 0.3%, bringing its share to 4.8% and the latter fell 0.8%, with share resting at 4.2%.

December 2001 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2001 Ending Dec 2001 % Change
BBC London 94.9 Q 355 322 -9.3
Capital 95.8 FM Q 2,903 2,951 1.7
Capital Gold London Q 1,181 1,203 1.9
Choice FM London Q 356 324 -9.0
Fusion 107.3 (was FLR) H 4 10 150.0
Heart 106.2 FM Q 1,853 1,708 -7.8
Jazz FM 102.2 Q 712 568 -20.2
Kiss 100 FM Q 1,543 1,636 6.0
LBC 1152 AM Q 413 423 2.4
London’s Liberty 963-972 Q 20 72 260.0
Magic 105.4 Q 1,424 1,364 -4.2
News Direct 97.3FM Q 416 575 38.2
Premier Christian Radio Q 161 176 9.3
Ritz Country 1035 Q 96 82 -14.6
Spectrum Radio on 558 AM Q 62 47 -24.2
Sunrise Radio H 223 325 45.7
Virgin 105.8 FM Q 1,203 1,081 -10.1
XFM Q 443 450 1.6
December 2001 RAJAR Share Of Listening (%) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2001 Ending Dec 2001 % Point Change
BBC London 94.9 Q 0.8 0.7 -0.1
Capital 95.8 FM Q 10.9 10.9 0.0
Capital Gold London Q 3.2 3.1 -0.1
Choice FM London Q 2.1 1.7 -0.4
Fusion 107.3 (was FLR) H 0.2 0.3 0.1
Heart 106.2 FM Q 5.8 6.2 0.4
Jazz FM 102.2 Q 1.9 0.9 -1.0
Kiss 100 FM Q 5 4.2 -0.8
LBC 1152 AM Q 2.5 2.6 0.1
Liberty Radio 963 + 972 AM H 0.3 0.3 0.0
Magic 105.4 Q 5.1 4.8 -0.3
News Direct 97.3FM Q 0.7 1.2 0.5
Premier Christian Radio Q 0.8 0.7 -0.1
Ritz Country 1035 Q 1 0.6 -0.4
Spectrum Radio on 558 AM Q 0.1 0.1 0.0
Sunrise Radio H 1.1 1.6 0.5
Virgin 105.8 FM London Q 3.2 3 -0.2
XFM Q 1.5 1.3 -0.2

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