
RAJAR Results Q4 2001- Overall Summary

RAJAR Results Q4 2001- Overall Summary

Today’s RAJAR listening figures for the 3 month period to December 2001 show that BBC Radio has retained a larger share of listening than Commercial Radio, with  All BBC Radio taking a 53.4% share compared to All Commercial’s 44.6%. This represented a period on period increase of 1.8 percentage points for the BBC and a 1.9 percentage point fall for Commercial Radio.

While Commercial Radio’s losses were spread across both local and national stations, the BBC only saw share of listening increase period on period for its network radio, while local and regional remained unchanged in this analysis.

December 2001 RAJAR Share Of Listening Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2001 Ending Dec 2001 % Point Change
All BBC Q 51.6 53.4 1.8
All BBC Network Radio Q 40.2 42.0 1.8
All Commercial Q 46.5 44.6 -1.9
All Local Commercial Q 38.3 36.8 -1.5
All National Commercial Q 8.2 7.8 -0.4
BBC Local Radio Q 11.2 11.2 0.0
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.3 11.3 0.0
Other Listening Q 1.9 2.1 0.2

Year on year, it was a similar story of increases for All BBC and decreases for All Commercial. However both commercial and BBC local and regional radio stations witnessed a decrease in share of listening. For BBC Local this was 0.6 percentage points, for Local/Regional 0.7 percentage points and for Local Commercial a more significant 1.1 percentage points compared to the fourth quarter of 2000.

In a period on period comparison, the weekly reach of all Radio remained fairly unchanged, rising just 0.3% to 44.2 million. Within that it was close run between the commercial and non commercial sectors, with All Commercial seeing a small decrease of 0.6% to 31.8 million and All BBC increasing its reach by 1% to 32.6 million.

December 2001 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2001 Ending Dec 2001 % Change
All BBC Q 32,363 32,674 1.0
All BBC Network Radio Q 28,173 28,538 1.3
All Commercial Q 32,076 31,877 -0.6
All Local Commercial Q 27,321 26,865 -1.7
All National Commercial Q 11,286 11,330 0.4
All Radio Q 44,099 44,218 0.3
BBC Local Radio Q 8,263 8,341 0.9
BBC Local/Regional Q 10,621 10,712 0.9
Other Listening Q 2,950 3,021 2.4

A year on year analysis of the results presents a brighter picture for radio overall. All Radio shows a 2% increase in weekly reach, while All Commercial has gone up 3.3% and All BBC 6%. BBC Network comes off best in this analysis, its 28.5 million weekly reach representing a year on year increase of 8.1%.

The average hours per listener figure is up 2.9% for all radio compared to Q4 2000, to 24.7, but the bonus is unevenly distributed. All BBC saw a 2.3% increase year on year, but Commercial Radio saw a 1.3% drop in average hours per listener compared to a year ago.

December 2001 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Dec 2000 Ending Dec 2001 % Change
All BBC Q 17.4 17.8 2.3
All BBC Network Radio Q 15.6 16.1 3.2
All Commercial Q 15.5 15.3 -1.3
All Local Commercial Q 15.0 14.9 -0.7
All National Commercial Q 7.8 7.5 -3.8
All Radio Q 24.0 24.7 2.9
BBC Local Radio Q 12.2 12.0 -1.6
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.9 11.6 -2.5
Other Listening Q 8.4 7.4 -11.9

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