
RAJAR Results Q4 2002 – All Commercial Radio Sees Share Rise

RAJAR Results Q4 2002 – All Commercial Radio Sees Share Rise

Analysis of the RAJAR listening data for the fourth quarter of 2002 paints a relatively positive picture for All Commercial Radio, which saw its share of listening increase by 0.2% points period on period to 45.5%. All BBC recorded a slight decline in the three months ending December 2002, with its share of listening slipping by 0.1% points. However, All BBC still retains a lead over All Commercial.

All National Commercial Radio performed well during the fourth quarter, with a 0.4% points period on period increase in share. However, this was off-set by All Local Commercial, which suffered a 0.2% points decline in the three months ending December 2002. BBC Local Radio saw its share of listening slip by 0.2% points to 10.8% and Other Listening fell by 0.1% points to 2.0%.

December 2002 RAJAR Share Of Listening Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2002 Ending Dec 2002 % Point Change
All BBC Q 52.6 52.5 -0.1
All BBC Network Radio Q 41.4 41.5 0.1
All Commercial Q 45.3 45.5 0.2
All Local Commercial Q 38.1 37.9 -0.2
All National Commercial Q 7.2 7.6 0.4
BBC Local Radio Q 11.0 10.8 -0.2
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.2 11.0 -0.2
Other Listening Q 2.1 2.0 -0.1

Year on year analysis reveals an increasingly upbeat period for All Commercial Radio, which experienced a 0.9% points increase in share at the expense of All BBC, which suffered a corresponding decline. All Local Commercial saw its share rise by 1.1% points year on year, but this came hand in hand with a 0.2% points dip for All National Commercial. BBC Local Radio and BBC Local/Regional both saw their share fall year on year during the fourth quarter, the former by 0.4% points and the latter by 0.3% points.

Weekly reach for All Radio improved by 0.7% period on period during the fourth quarter. All BBC experienced a 0.6% increase and All Commercial saw its weekly reach rise by 0.5% during the same period.

All Local Commercial enjoyed a 1.4% period on period increase and BBC Local Radio experienced a 5.4% improvement in weekly reach. All National Commercial saw its weekly reach slip by 0.6%, but this was over-shadowed by Other Listening, which suffered a 10.4% decline.

December 2002 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2002 Ending Dec 2002 % Change
All BBC Q 32,545 32,727 0.6
All BBC Network Radio Q 28,606 28,617 0.0
All Commercial Q 31,786 31,946 0.5
All Local Commercial Q 27,085 27,452 1.4
All National Commercial Q 10,457 10,397 -0.6
All Radio Q 44,097 44,390 0.7
BBC Local Radio Q 7,921 8,351 5.4
BBC Local/Regional Q 10,191 10,858 6.5
Other Listening Q 3,234 2,899 -10.4

Year on year, All Radio saw its weekly reach improve by 0.4%, with All BBC and All Commercial rising by 0.2% each. Things were less positive for All National Commercial, which saw its weekly reach decline by 8.2% in the three months to December. However, All Local Commercial fared significantly better, with a 2.2% year on year increase. BBC Local Radio improved its weekly reach by 0.1%.

RAJAR figures for the fourth quarter of 2002 reveal a mixed bag in terms of average hours per listener. All National Commercial saw the most significant upward movement, with a 4.0% increase to 7.8 hours per listener, whilst All BBC experienced a 3.4% decline in average hours to 17.2. All Local Commercial suffered a 0.7% drop, but BBC Local/Regional was the worst hit with a 6.0% year on year fall to 10.9 hours.

December 2002 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Dec 2001 Ending Dec 2002 % Change
All BBC Q 17.8 17.2 -3.4
All BBC Network Radio Q 16.1 15.6 -3.1
All Commercial Q 15.3 15.3 0.0
All Local Commercial Q 14.9 14.8 -0.7
All National Commercial Q 7.5 7.8 4.0
All Radio Q 24.7 24.2 -2.0
BBC Local Radio Q 12.0 11.3 -5.8
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.6 10.9 -6.0
Other Listening Q 7.4 7.4 0.0

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