
Read all about it – Sunday Sun results

Read all about it – Sunday Sun results

The Sun Sunday

Mirror Group suffered the most at the hands of the new Sunday edition of The Sun. Following Rupert Murdoch’s tweet telling 190,000 followers that the first edition of The Sun on a Sunday sold 3,260,000 copies.

Initial estimates predict that the Sunday Mirror is thought to have lost over 450,000 copies. This is down 26% since the last official ABC audit (in January). The People is down in excess of 200,000 copies and 27%. However, both titles are still up compared to the period when the News of the World was last published (Sunday Mirror up 212,000 and People up 85,000).

Northern & Shell’s Daily Star Sunday is believed to have lost around 95,000 copies and 15%. Again, like the other red tops it is still up in the region of a quarter of a million copies.

In the mid-market the Sunday Express lost 88,000 and is down 19,000 compared to when the News of the World still published and the Mail on Sunday hasn’t really been affected. It is thought to be up around 30,000 copies despite maintaining its cover price but aided by a large advertising campaign.

The whole tabloid Sunday market has seen sales improve by 2.4 million compared to January. Obviously this is against a backdrop of price cutting, heavy promotion, trialling and dual purchase. However, this market has been losing sales for decades but yesterday (Sunday) it was up some 1.1 million copies versus the last period when the News of the World was published. Initial sales for the Sunday Sun will no doubt recede and we will have to wait and see in a few months what the settle down figure is.

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ABC and Paper Boy estimates




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