Demand for digital television in Europe will reach a new record in 2006, according to a new report from Strategy Analytics.
Strategy Analytics says that the most popular option for new subscribers remains digital terrestrial television (DTTV), with over 10 million new homes added this year.
However, IPTV is beginning to make an impact, taking share from established satellite and cable providers. The report predicts that 16 million homes will subscribe to IPTV by 2010.
A recent report from Research and Markets said that global IPTV subscriptions are expected to jump from two million to 34 million between 2005 and 2010 (see US IPTV Subscriptions To Increase By 78% By 2010).
Strategy Analytics forecasts that 75 million European homes, or 47% of the total, will have at least one digital television service by the end of 2006, a third higher than last year. By 2010, digital TV penetration will have reached 77%, or 127 million homes.
Meanwhile, the UK, with 94% penetration, will remain Europe’s leading digital TV market in 2010, with Ireland, Austria and Sweden next in line. Digital terrestrial TV is forecast to overtake satellite to become Europe’s largest digital TV platform by 2008.
Datamonitor published a report at the end of August which revealed that the UK remains the only country in Europe with over 50% of households having digital television services (see UK Only Country In Europe With Over 50% DTV Services).
Martin Olausson, senior analyst at Strategy Analytics, said: “Digital terrestrial television is Europe’s big success story. Effective standards and public policy support have helped to create a virtuous circle of declining costs and increasing broadcaster support that will help sustain Europe’s free-to-air terrestrial broadcasting model for years to come.”