
Record mobile and tablet traffic for iPlayer

Record mobile and tablet traffic for iPlayer

the white queen

iPlayer received record mobile and tablet traffic in June, with both devices accounting for 32% of overall requests.

The BBC reported that there were 79 million mobile and tablet requests for its online streaming service, while PC requests were down to 106 million, making up a record low of 44% of all requests for the month.

Connected TV requests were down slightly month on month, while games consoles rose two million to 10 million.

In June, there were an average 7.4 million daily requests, with weekly requests remaining steady at 52 million. Requests were dominated by The Apprentice – with the month’s most popular episode generating 1.7 million requests – and new programmes The Call Centre and The White Queen, with top episodes surpassing the one million mark.

Overall, iPlayer request were up 45% year on year, reaching 239 million.

The full report can be read here.

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