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Redesign for Marieclaire.co.uk

Redesign for Marieclaire.co.uk


Marieclaire.co.uk has had a redesign, featuring the brand’s new colours and fonts, to match the new look of the print edition.

It also has updated navigation and a new footer including links to all the key franchises across the site.

In addition, there is a Good Book Club, which offers visitors 60% off the editor’s pick of the month at amazon.co.uk and a new Diet Club in the health channel.

Carla Bevan, Marieclaire.co.uk editor, said: “With all the work that has gone into the new vision for Marie Claire magazine, it was extremely important to us that the website reflected the highlights, including the fabulous new colour palette.

“We also used the opportunity to expand our offering, adding a whole range of Marie Claire ‘clubs’ – making the site even more of a must-visit daily destination.”

Roger Cummings, associate publisher, added: “Building on an already strong year commercially for marieclaire.co.uk, we’ve had a great response to the refreshed site, with interest from a range of advertisers looking for bespoke integrated campaigns.”

In the last ABC release, for June to December 2008, Marie Claire’s circulation was down by 4.5% year on year , a real term loss of almost 16,000 copies, taking its total down to around 330,000.

ABC consumer magazine figures for January to July 2009 are released tomorrow, with full coverage on Newsline.

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