
Removing Restrictions On Ads Could Lead To £150m Fall In Adspend

Removing Restrictions On Ads Could Lead To £150m Fall In Adspend

Watching TV Oliver & Ohlbaum warned that increasing public service broadcasters’ ad minutes and removing restrictions on peak-time ads could lead to a fall in TV ad spend.

Ofcom is currently consulting on changes to the amount and distribution of TV ads, according to a report in MediaWeek.

Sean McGuire, managing director at Oliver & Ohlbaum, argued that TV ad spend could drop by £150m during the quarter after releasing more commercial impacts in to the TV market.

Broadcasters and agencies agreed that increasing ad minutes would devalue TV and said programming spend could take a hit if the changes go ahead.

However, both asked for more flexibility in ad break scheduling but said more ads would not introduce more revenue, said the report.

Ofcom is due to reveal the consultation findings on changes to rules on the amount and distribution of TV ads in July and September this year.

Ofcom: 020 7981 3040 www.ofcom.org.uk

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