
Report Claims Marketing Effectiveness At All Time Low

Report Claims Marketing Effectiveness At All Time Low

Marketer Marketers worldwide believe that 65% of their marketing spend had no discernible effect on consumers in 2007, according to a new report from the Fournaise Marketing Group.

The Global Marketing Effectiveness report surveyed 3,000 marketing professionals, questioning them on a range of issues such as the efficacy of different marketing tools and the pressures and concerns they experienced in 2007.

The responses suggest that their efforts reached an all-time low in perceived effectiveness – mainly for lack of accurate feedback.

Questioned on strategy, 70% of marketers believe that short-term revenue-boosting and lead-generation campaigns are more important than long-term intangible brand building (15%). A clear indication that marketers are under pressure more than ever before to generate results, said the report.

Just one in ten of respondents have automated systems in place to track the effectiveness of their spend, the report stated. Of the 55% of marketers who do track the results of their spending, 80% do so manually, spending hours capturing, compiling and analysing data.

Fournaise CEO Jerome Fontaine said: “Media clutter, sophisticated consumers and intense competition go some way to explain the wastage.

“But tracking every marketing dollar spent would mitigate the effect and feed critical real time analysis back into marketing strategies.

“Which in turn would have more positive impacts on the business bottom line.”

Fournaise Marketing Group: www.fournaisegroup.com

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