
Room For Improvement In Home Market

Room For Improvement In Home Market

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 16 August 2001. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see Important Notes: ABC Jan-Jun 2001

The Home Interest sector’s overall performance for this period appeared fairly static, climbing just 0.4% year on year. However, this figure disguises what would have been a disappointing performance were it not for a successful new launch.

Most titles in the sector saw year on year falls, with the worst affected being Romsey Publishing’s English Home – UK Edition, down 29.7% and GE Magazines Inspirations For Your Home, down 27.7%

The boost to the market came with the launch of Ikea’s Room magazine, published by John Brown Contract Publishers. The opening circulation for the Swedish furniture store’s magazine was 171,620, a much needed addition to the sector’s overall total.

There were some exceptions to the downward trend, notably Cabal’s Real Homes which added 3,000 to its circulation year on year, while IPC’s 25 Beautiful Homes grew its total by 5,000.

YoY Comparisons Home Interest Magazines
Title Publisher Jan – Jun 00 Jan – Jun 01 Actual Change % Change
25 Beautiful Homes IPC Media 117,583 122,714 5,131 4.4
BBC Good Homes BBC Magazines 145,723 128,503 -17,220 -11.8
BBC Homes & Antiques BBC Magazines 185,185 170,255 -14,930 -8.1
Country Homes & Interiors IPC Media 110,342 101,910 -8,432 -7.6
Country Living National Magazine Company 163,553 161,552 -2,001 -1.2
Elle Decoration Emap 61,801 58,816 -2,985 -4.8
English Home – UK Edition Romsey Publishing 44,180 31,066 -13,114 -29.7
Homes & Gardens IPC Media 165,033 160,038 -4,995 -3.0
Homes & Ideas IPC Media 122,142 113,575 -8,567 -7.0
House & Garden Conde Nast 150,045 147,041 -3,004 -2.0
House Beautiful National Magazine Company 210,034 192,080 -17,954 -8.5
Ideal Home IPC Media 255,058 256,505 1,447 0.6
IKEA Room (N) John Brown Contract Publishing n/a 171,620 n/a n/a
Inspirations For Your Home GE Magazines Ltd 97,015 70,141 -26,874 -27.7
Living etc IPC Media 97,058 90,701 -6,357 -6.5
Period Living Emap 89,230 82,565 -6,665 -7.5
Real Homes Magazine Cabal Communications 133,004 136,058 3,054 2.3
World Of Interiors Conde Nast 65,221 62,120 -3,101 -4.8
Your Home (B) National Magazine Company (pub G+J) 172,565 137,015 -35,550 -20.6
Total   2,384,772 2,394,275 9,503 0.4

Subscribers can access full ABC figures by selecting “Press” from the drop-down box at the top of this page.

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