
SAG-AFTRA and Narrativ set ethical AI advertising standard for Hollywood actors

SAG-AFTRA and Narrativ set ethical AI advertising standard for Hollywood actors

We’ve all seen AI deepfakes across digital platforms and they are becoming more realistic by the day. In response to this rapidly evolving digital landscape, the Hollywood actors’union SAG-AFTRA has taken a proactive step to protect the rights and earnings of its members. The union has announced an agreement with Narrativ, an online platform that licenses digital voice replicas for use in digital audio ads.

SAG-AFTRA states that the new agreement, designed with the input of their  Commercials Contracts Standing Committee and approved by the union’s National Executive Committee, establishes protections and fair compensation mechanisms for actors who license their digital voice replicas through the platform.

AI is here the stay

Many creative professionals are still reluctant about AI. The fear is understandable, but in a podcast this Thursday, Erin FRITCH, co-chair of the SAG-AFTRA Commercial contracts standing committee, argues that it’s unrealistic to think we live in a world where this technology doesn’t exist. “It’s a tool that advertisers will use more and more, and we have to keep up with it.” That’s where the necessity arises to find ways to work with companies like Narrativ, which are committed to ethical practices and fair compensation.

Informed consent and control

Under this agreement, performers will be able to review all offers for using their digital voice replicas in advertisements, including details about the product or service being promoted and a draft of the audio advertisement. Actors will have the power to accept or decline any engagement, providing them with significant control over how their voice is used. “Narrativ really keeps the decision-making power… in the individual performer’s hands” FRITCH added.

Fair compensation

The new deal also introduces flexible compensation terms, allowing actors to set their own price for the use of their digital voice replicas. SAG-AFTRA’s statement clarifies that minimums will be in place to ensure that all members receive fair payment, with opportunities to negotiate higher fees for each job. Additionally, all compensation will include contributions towards health and retirement benefits, offering performers financial security as they navigate this new digital frontier.

Integrity and copyright

Under the agreement, actors will have the option to opt out of specific categories of ads they do not wish to promote when setting up their profiles on Narrativ. Should an actor choose to leave the platform, Narrativ will delete their digital voice replica, and any recordings used to create it, ensuring that their voice cannot be used without their consent.

 “Members who are interested in working with Narrativ can do so knowing that this SAG-AFTRA agreement ensures that they will be protected and compensated fairly for every use of their digital voice replica,” said SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland.

This marks a significant milestone in the entertainment industry’s response to the growing use of AI in commercial work.

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