
Sales of digital radios top 10m mark

Sales of digital radios top 10m mark

A radio

Sales of digital radios have topped the 10 million mark in the UK, according to new figures from the DRDB (Digital Radio Development Bureau).

Cumulative sales of digital radio sets topped ten million at the end of November, said the DRDB.

It took eight years to reach the first five million sales (2007), but the second five million has been achieved in just 30 months.

For the past three years, sales of digital radio sets have remained solid at around two million per annum and the market is worth around £170 million a year.

Tony Moretta, DRDB chief executive, said: “This is a significant moment for everyone in the digital radio industry: broadcasters, manufacturers and retailers.

“Ten million sales is an incredible achievement for any technology, and it proves that digital radio is here to stay.

“With even greater promotion by radio stations, wider support from the car industry and the further development of the technology through colour screens, wi-fi etc, we expect the growth of digital radio to continue strongly over the next few years to the point where a nationwide digital upgrade can become a reality.”

The UK is set to switch to turn off the analogue radio signal and go fully digital in 2015, the deadline given in the Digital Britain report.

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