
Salmon To Step Down As TV Corp Chief Executive

Salmon To Step Down As TV Corp Chief Executive

Peter Salmon will step down from his position as chief executive of the Television Corporation, taking up the role of chief creative officer of the company later in the year.

Salmon, ex BBC director of Sport, joined TV Corp as group executive last summer, replacing Jeff Foulser who took up the role of director of sport and chairman of Sunset & Vine, the group’s sports production arm (see Salmon To Join The Television Corporation).

According to the company, the management restructure follows the offer made for TV Corp, on behalf of Welsh producer, Tinopolis, becoming unconditional in all respects on 17 January 2006.

TV Corp first announced a take-over bid from Tinopolis last October, with reports claming the offer was around 10p per TV Corp share (see Tinopolis Approaches TV Corp In Take-Over Bid).

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