By the end of 2008 there will be 100 million direct-to-home satellite pay TV subscribers globally, meaning that satellite will continue its reign as the top digital TV platform, according to a new study by Research and Markets.
However, in the UK the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) produced figures this week which have Freeview overtaking satellite as the number one digital platform by the end of 2006 if it continues its current growth. Digital terrestrial recorded a year-on-year increase of 8.3% in market share, whilst in comparison digital satellite recorded only a 2% increase (see Freeview Could Overtake Satellite By End Of Year). In addition, ZenithOptimedia also believes that Freeview will become the largest digital platform in the UK, with 60% of all new digital homes taking the service in 2006 and 2007 (see Freeview To Overtake Sky In Analogue Switch-Off).
Research and Markets also reveals that the satellite industry is seeing burgeoning opportunities in broadband IP services, defence and military applications, and space and ground segment products and services.In addition, large satellite system operators and teleport operators are merging and broadcasters and large users are now leasing satellite capacity rather than choosing to deploy their own dedicated systems.
A recent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Global Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2006-2010, forecast that satellite radio in the US will increase from $1 billion in 2005 to $5.4 billion in 2010 (see Solid Growth Forecast For Media Industry).