
Schwarz To Oversee Channel 4’s Digital Radio Development

Schwarz To Oversee Channel 4’s Digital Radio Development

Digital Radio Channel 4 has announced the appointment of Capital Radio’s former strategy and development director, Nathalie Schwarz, to aid the broadcaster in identifying expansion opportunities in the UK radio market.

Schwarz will report directly to Andy Duncan, chief executive of Channel 4 and will have among her responsibilities the organisation of a bid by the broadcaster to run a new national digital radio multiplex.

Speaking at the Oxford Media Convention earlier today, Duncan confirmed that Channel 4 was investigating a bid for the licence to run the new DAB national multiplex. He revealed that the broadcaster had begun discussions with a number of potential partners with a view to submitting a proposal to Ofcom (see Duncan Asserts Importance Of PSB For Channel 4).

Schwarz will also take on management responsibility for Channel 4’s majority shareholding in digital radio station Oneword, which will see its debut broadcast tomorrow morning, with a current affairs programme fronted by John Snow (see Oneword Debuts Tomorrow).

Commenting on Schwarz’z appointment, Duncan said: “Nathalie has been at the front end of consolidation and the changes wrought by digital technology during her time at Capital and we’re delighted to be working with someone of her experience and calibre.”

He continued: “The radio industry is going through a parallel process to the TV sector with digital technology opening up massive new choice for consumers and new creative and commercial opportunities for broadcasters. Channel 4 is looking to expand onto new media platforms and now is a good time to be examining what opportunities exist in the fast developing DAB market.”

Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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