
Scotsman’s Efforts To Modernise Rewarded With Ad Revenue Increase

Scotsman’s Efforts To Modernise Rewarded With Ad Revenue Increase

Trinity Mirror’s Scottish title the Daily Record continues to command the largest share of advertising revenue among Scotland’s newspapers, with more than twice as much as its nearest rival, SMG’s Glasgow Herald. New figures from CIA MediaLab show that both of the top titles achieved year on year increases in revenue (Daily Record 1%, Glasgow Herald 5%) for the period to October 2000, despite the fact that ABC figures show circulation decreasing (Subscribers can access this information in the Press database by selecting “Press” from the drop-down box at the top of this page).

The top two titles revenue increases appear modest in comparison with the 16% gain seen by venerable daily The Scotsman. The title has launched a bid to change its slightly stuffy image and appeal to a broader and younger audience. Both circulation and revenue figures appear to show that this is paying off.

The top investor in display advertising in Scottish newspapers is the finance sector, which contributes 14% of revenue. This is followed by computers (12%), Motors (10%) and Business & Industrial, Retail and Mail Order (all 7%). Others make up 43%.

CIA Medialab: 020 7803 2000

Subscribers can access further information on these and other newspapers by selecting “Press” from the drop-down box at the top of this page.

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