
Search Engine Marketing To Double By 2009

Search Engine Marketing To Double By 2009

Search engine marketing is only at 10% of its potential size, with Geoff Ramsey, chief executive officer of eMarketer, forecasting the media to double over the next three years.

Speaking at the recent Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo, Ramsey predicted that $10 billion would be spent on the advertising channel in 2009, up from $5 billion in 2005.

Ramsey also projected that richer “video, mobile devices and smarter personalization” would also drive the future of search marketing.

According to Outsell, search engine advertising expenditure will rise by 26% in 2006, with online advertising expected to be used by 90% of marketers by 2008, up from the current 80% (see Search Engine Adspend To Rise By 26% In 2006).

The strong performance forecast for search engine advertising in 2006 is confirmed by an earlier study from interactive marketing experts, 24/7 Real Media, predicting the medium to reinvent itself as a lead-generation channel (see Search Engine Marketing To Enjoy Popularity Surge In 2006).

Elsewhere, paid search is also expected to enjoy a healthy 2006, with a recent report from Piper Jaffray predicting the medium to generate more than $14 billion globally over the coming year, enjoying an increase of 41% from the estimated $10 billion that it made in 2005 (see Paid Search To Reach $14 Billion Worldwide In 2006).

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