
Search Engines Find Ad Revenue Success

Search Engines Find Ad Revenue Success

Search engine marketing (SEM) is becoming an indispensable tool needed to reach highly targeted audiences and no self-respecting marketer can be without it, says the latest white paper from redtagdm.

SEM now accounts for well over a third of online advertising revenue in the UK and companies should ensure that its website appears high in the search engine rankings.

In the UK alone, over 600 million searches are conducted every month and 70% of all the ecommerce transactions originate in a search.

Internet users are becoming more technology literate and as a result are demanding more information specific to their needs to be available online. Used as both a leisure activity and research tool, the internet is the only medium to cross this boundary and be available whether at work or home, says the report.

As the internet search market is hugely competitive Google has launched the Gmail service to specifically target users of this service with text adverts. Everytime an email is sent, Google will read it and attach an advert relating to the message.

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