
Second screening ‘drives purchase intent’

Second screening ‘drives purchase intent’

A new report from MEF has revealed a strong correlation between the number of screens used and purchase intent.

The Global Consumer Insights Series report, which analysed data from 10,000 respondents in 13 countries, suggests that the more screens in use, the more likely the user is to buy, browse or otherwise engage via the mobile device.

Of the respondents, 69% of second screeners made a purchase in 2013, compared with 65% of the total sample of mobile media users, while the likelihood of purchase rose to 79% for those using three screens and 85% for those using five screens.

In 2013, two thirds of mobile media users browsed the mobile internet in tandem with a second screen, rising to 89% when including newspapers and radio, according to a new report from MEG, examining the ways in which mobile devices are used in conjunction with other media.

Unsurprisingly, TV is the leading second screen for mobile users across the globe. In 11 of the 13 markets surveyed, TV topped the list with 35% watching television while browsing the web on their mobile – particularly popular in the US and UK (55%).

Perhaps more surprisingly, the second most popular screen was found to be a second phone, with 23% of consumers admitting to using two mobile devices at once.

“CBS is thought to have made $10-12 million from second screening around this month’s Super Bowl in the US – just the latest example of how this new consumer behaviour is becoming a real opportunity for businesses,” said Rimma Perelmuter, CEO at MEF.

“Far from replacing traditional media channels, mobile devices are maximising the potential of the media mix as the industry transitions to Mobile 3.0 with a new breed of super apps displacing one-off purchases.”

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