Seeds planted in 2010 will grow in to 2011’s big themes

There has been plenty to discuss in the last twelve months and we have covered much of it across Newsline and at MediaTel Group events. I cannot see 2011 being any less interesting.
Technology, trading mechanics and metrics will be at the core of many of the debates.
Media owners need to increase online yields and any of the above combined with more high value inventory can contribute significantly.
Agencies are leading more clients to digital but this remains expensive to manage operationally. DSPs may be the answer – but it seems too late in the day (and probably too complicated) to create an industry-wide trading system now, which would have saved considerable time and money.
TV companies will look to build on a surprisingly excellent year, and – just possibly – we may see trading’s Berlin Wall, CRR, dismantled if ISBA and ITV can lead the process whilst not excluding other parties.
Connected TV will continue to fascinate and many of the debates around this are more widely pertinent too. Smart TV may be the 2011 phrase.
Paywalls will become much more the norm, and the much bigger debate over at News International will be around changing the print trading metric to CPT.
And location based and re-targeting technologies will grow in scope across mobile and online – and maybe even come together to produce a magic winning formula.
Just a few thoughts. Thanks for your considerable support and feedback in 2010 and do keep reading Newsline, and join us at our events in the coming year.