
Sky IQ TV predictions for the year ahead

Sky IQ TV predictions for the year ahead

Sky IQ, a subsidiary of BSkyB that specialises in TV viewing behaviours, has released its industry predictions for the year ahead. Here, Liam Plowman, Strategy & Propositions, Sky IQ Customer Intelligence Services, looks at five key trends that we should be looking out for in 2014:

1. TV Gets Internet Smart

By 2014 we will see the same level of personalisation you see in online advertising on TV. Using better insight from detailed viewing data, agencies and brands can track the success of highly targeted campaigns by linking all marketing activity from DM to online response.

2. Ads will become as anticipated as the TV programme

We are already seeing an element of this with the premiere of the Christmas ads being widely touted as the UK version of the Superbowl Weekend in the US. In 2014 however, we will see the importance of ads grow even further, with increasing emphasis on premieres, celebrity influencers and audience engagement.

3. Ads will become truly interactive and continue their story online

In 2014, for the first time, we will see advertisements begin during traditional TV viewing and follow the viewer online. While this may include sharing exclusive clips on Facebook [for fans] and tweeting viewers, it will be focused on tracking their online habits so they see the ‘second instalment’ of the advert.

4. TV and social (and dual screening)

Facebook and Twitter jostling to be TVs social partner and new Social TV measurement services coming on-stream will likely mean development of deeper relationships between programming, advertising and social, as consumer experience becomes more joined up.

5. Increase in ‘connected’ set-top boxes

The number of internet connected set top boxes will continue to grow strongly and this will have an impact on how we view content. 1) A decrease in ‘connected’ use of Smart TVs as Set top box interfaces increasingly becomes the default for TV and on demand services. 2) The viewing of catch-up through iPlayer, 4OD etc. increasingly accessed via set top box digital platforms rather than direct.

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