
Sky launches green button ads

Sky launches green button ads

Sky Remote Sky is finally set to launch its green button interactive TV (iTV) ad service in June after more than a year of delays due to technical problems.

The satellite broadcaster has signed T-mobile, MacMillan Cancer Support and Warner Brothers as launch advertisers, which will allow Sky+ subscribers to download ads directly to their PVR by pressing the green button on their remote control.

Roll out of the on-demand service will begin in June across all 50 channels in the Sky portfolio, in addition to the broadcaster’s existing red button offering.

The new green button service will enable viewers to interact with the adverts they click on at their own leisure, as unlike the red button iTV ad service, which opens an interactive application immediately, it downloads ads to the users’ Sky+ boxes.

Sky has designed the service to download overnight, when the rates for digital satellite bandwidth are cheaper, making it more cost-effective.

Chloe Smith, head of interactive advertising at Sky Media, said: “Green button provides brands with the opportunity to develop high-quality long-form content catering to those audience who want a closer relationship with particular brands.”

Sky had originally planned to launch the green button service early last year but was forced to delay the launch due to issues with Sky Subscribers Services Limited, which operates the Sky digital platform.

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