
Sky Receives Expressions Of Interest In ITV Stake

Sky Receives Expressions Of Interest In ITV Stake

BSkyB has reportedly received expressions of interest in its 17.9% stake in ITV from broadcaster RTL and US billionaire Haim Saban.

BSkyB recently confirmed the launch of a legal challenge against the competition regulator’s ruling ordering it to sell the majority of its ITV stake.

If Sky loses the appeal and is forced to sell its shares, it could make a loss of around £300 million, having paid 135p per share in November 2006 (see ITV Share Price Falls After BSkyB Acquires Stake).

US billionaire Saban has a track record of close ties with Rupert Murdoch, having folded his television production company Saban entertainment into Murdoch’s Fox Family Worldwide.

Saban now operates the media investment company Saban Capital Group, which oversees Univision Communications, the Spanish-language media company; and Bezeq, Israel’s former state owned telecoms group, among other interests.

RTL, which owns Five, has previously held talks with Sky and is reported to have stepped up its interest, reports Brand Republic.

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