
Sky Signs DDS Research Boss To Overhaul Airtime Sales

Sky Signs DDS Research Boss To Overhaul Airtime Sales

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Jeff Eales, Media Director, Sales & Research for UK & Ireland at Donovan Data Systems, is leaving the company at the end of June to join BSkyB as Director of Systems and Development.

At DDS, Eales has been responsible for the development of eCommerce and business with media sales operations, having joined the company from Granada in 2000 as eCommerce Director.

Amongst his achievements at DDS is the successful implementation of the Ambassador service, linking 15 TV sales points to 45 agencies.

The new role will see the systems boss responsible for the replacement of Sky’s current airtime sales systems, as well as developing sales methodology through e-trading and BARB.

Eales will take up the post from August, with DDS currently seeking his replacement.

BskyB: 0207 705 3000 www.sky.com DDS: 020 7255 7000 www.dds.co.uk

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