
Smart TV: not quite a smart bet… yet

Smart TV: not quite a smart bet… yet


Although one in ten (10%) Britons already own a smart TV (one which can be connected directly to the internet via ethernet cable or WiFi), only a further 4% intend to purchase one at some point in the next 12 months, according to YouGov’s latest research.

Over one half (52%) say they definitely won’t purchase a smart TV, while one quarter (25%) are unsure or don’t know, and 7% are unaware of them.

Smart TV ownership in the UK is comparable to the US (9%) and Germany (11%) with France leading the way by far with the highest penetration at 18% (see chart).

Already own a smart TV

A significant obstacle for Smart TV take up is that consumers can already connect to the internet on their TV via other devices such as games consoles. For example, 15% of the UK population own a Microsoft Xbox 360 and 13% own a Sony Playstation 3 – devices that can do exactly this via their internet connectivity or third party services such as LoveFilm, 4OD, YouTube and iPlayer.

Affordability is certainly a key issue for respondents in the UK, with 28% of those who aren’t sure if they will purchase or won’t be purchasing a smart TV claiming that the ability to pay in instalments (at a good rate) would encourage them to purchase a smart TV. However, the availability of content could be a key future driver of adoption with just over one third (36%) of respondents aged 18-24 claimed that they would be encouraged to purchase a smart TV set if more of the TV content they normally watch was available on the internet.

By comparison, in the US 44% of those who aren’t sure or won’t be purchasing a smart TV said nothing would encourage them to purchase one.

“There can be no burying of heads in the sand,” Dan Brilot, media consulting director at YouGov, said. “This uncertainty and confusion amongst consumers about the technology is clearly an obstacle for manufacturers who will have to raise awareness of their product’s capabilities if smart TV’s are to become as ubiquitous as smartphones.

“It will be even tougher if the games console industry starts educating consumers about their products’ internet capabilities, particularly when the third (34%) of British consumers who already own a Nintendo Wii will be able to access TV services like Netflix through their devices as their US counterparts already can.”

These results provide a precursor to a larger YouGov multi-country survey on Smart TV ownership, content and attitudes due to be released in Q1 2012. The survey was conducted online on the YouGov panel on the following dates: France – 22-24 Nov; UK – 11-14 Nov; US – 28-30 Nov; Germany – 11-14 Nov; Nordics – 24-27 Nov; Middle East 23-27 Nov. Sample sizes: France (4274), UK (2023), UAE and Saudi Arabia (1506), Finland (1066), USA (1017), Denmark (1002), Sweden (1000), Germany (995).

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