
SMS Marketing As Acceptable As TV Or Radio Advertising, Says Report

SMS Marketing As Acceptable As TV Or Radio Advertising, Says Report

SMS marketing is now an accepted form of advertising and is viewed much more favourably than direct mail or telesales, according to research by mobile media sales and technology provider, Enpocket.

The results found that third party SMS marketing from a trusted service provider is regarded as favourably as television and radio advertising. 63% of those surveyed who were familiar with SMS marketing found text message advertising to be acceptable if it came from a respected carrier or portal. Only 9% of mobile phone users deemed such targeting to be unwelcome.

Permission-based SMS from other sources is viewed less favourably but is still seen as preferential to direct mail and telesales. However, 57% of those yet to experience SMS marketing expressed disapproval at the concept.

“What this research highlights is that as understanding of good wireless marketing increases, so does acceptance,” said Jonathon Linner, CEO of Enpocket. “Consumers appreciate the potential of the medium to deliver marketing communications of value to them.”

“Major media owners, such as the network operators and leading portals, with strong brands and good customer understanding have the opportunity to deliver the most valued and effective mobile marketing,” he concluded.

Acceptance Levels Of Advertising In The UK, By Category 
Category   % Finding Acceptable  % Finding Unacceptable 
TV 68 12
Radio 66 11
SMS From Carrier/Portal 63 9
Magazine Inserts 43 34
SMS From Other Source 36 31
Direct Mail 27 54
Pre-SMS Exposure 13 57
Telesales 8 81
Source: Enpocket, August 2002 

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