
Social Mum Report: 68% of mothers use social media for brand recommendations

Social Mum Report: 68% of mothers use social media for brand recommendations


BabyCentre has revealed that new and expectant mothers are more than 11% more connected online than any other demographic.

Unveiling the findings of the new 2013 Social Mum Report at the British Museum on Wednesday, Mike Fogarty, senior vice president of the BabyCentre, said: “we’re all connected and increasingly more so – always looking to connect with other people and seek and discover information.”

However, it is mothers who are leading the way. In fact, they are 15% more likely to use social media than anyone else, with 88% now logged on according to the report, which was produced in conjunction with comScore.

The demographic leads across the majority of major platforms, Fogarty says, with Facebook achieving an 80% reach, YouTube 78% and Twitter 31% – all higher than the general population.

Mothers also spend 19% more time on social networking sites than anybody else.

“Mums feel comfortable for sharing on social media something that is typically quite personal,” said Fogarty, before explaining that 81% share family milestones on Facebook, while 68% use social media for brand and product recommendations.

“They’re also checking Facebook more – perhaps because they’re reaching out more,” he added.

With current smartphone ownership for mothers at 82% and tablet ownership at 51% – a stark contrast to the 18% ownership recorded in 2012 – mums are also keen second screeners.

36% of respondents said that they post about a show they are watching (28% more than the general population) and 54% said that they read their Twitter feed while watching a show (30% more than the general population).

The report provides evidence that social media and connectivity is a fundamental part of the life of mums and mums to be – with this group currently more connected than ever, and more connected than any other group.

For more information, visit the BabyCentre website here.

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