
Sony Marketing Boss Claims TVRs Are Irrelevant

Sony Marketing Boss Claims TVRs Are Irrelevant

The media industry must evolve new ways of evaluating advertising effectiveness as CPTs, TVRs and OTS are all irrelevant in today’s world, according to David Patton, vice president of marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

Speaking ISBA’s annual conference in London yesterday, Patton said: “TVRs have no place in 2004, when I think of a TVR I think of a car. People just don’t watch commercial breaks as much as the research tells me, I don’t believe the numbers.”

Patton revealed that his agency TBWA was to pioneer a new measurement model. “Measurement should be about output (the result) not input,” said Andrew McGuinness, chief executive of TBWA London, speaking from the conference floor. However, he declined to give any details of the new initiative.

The IPA recently launched its own initiative to provide the industry with a single source media survey. A series of diverse proposals from research agencies in answer to a broad brief – are being considered now, with a January decision anticipated on the chosen agency (see IPA Research Initiative Proposes Cross Media Survey).

ISBA: 020 7499 7502 www.isba.org.uk

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