
Specific Media teams with Project Sunblock to offer content verification

Specific Media teams with Project Sunblock to offer content verification


Specific Media has announced a partnership with Project Sunblock that will offer content verification tools as standard to its existing network offering.

Project Sunblock’s double ABC accredited content verification platform will run across Specific Media’s entire network, enabling the company to block in real-time the inappropriate placement of adverts on compromising websites – aiming to ensure that brands do not appear in ‘damaging environments’.

The verification will help to determine the quality of publishers that it allows into its network, increase compliance across all areas of engagement, and eliminate risks to its network from fraudulent and non-compliant publishers.

“As more and more publishers enter the online advertising space and the number of agencies looking to boost their client’s brand awareness continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly complex to monitor where ads are placed,” said Graeme Lynch, publisher services director for Specific Media.

“While we are confident in our internal systems (hence why we are committed to having our ad misplacement minimisation policies independently verified by the IPA and ISBA), partnering with Project Sunblock provides another layer of cover, ensuring that the highest standards of brand safety are employed for all our clients.”

Duncan Trigg, chief executive officer at Project Sunblock said that there are examples of well-planned and well executed online campaigns that are placed next to content that, while contextually relevant, can be ‘damaging’ for the brand.

“Imagine, for example, an ad for a family friendly cruise placed next to an article about an outbreak of food poisoning on a cruise to the Caribbean,” he continued. “The ability to recognise inappropriate content in real-time, is paramount to being able to protect brand values and reputation online – something Specific Media takes very seriously.”

As well as the brand safety tools, Specific Media will harness Project Sunblock’s ad view ability measurements, ultimately determining for a brand whether their advert has been viewed.

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