
Streaming Video Offers Increased Ad Opportunity

Streaming Video Offers Increased Ad Opportunity

Demand is growing for true video capabilities from the internet, according to a new study from new media specialist comScore, whose new Media Metrix survey shows over 94 million American consumers, or 56% of the domestic Internet population, watching streaming video online.

The growing use of streaming video represents an increasing trend for rich media. According to comScore, users of streaming video are not “just watching snippets” or, if they are, “they were watching a lot of them.”

In the three months to June the average American consumer viewed 73 minutes of streaming video content per month, according to comScore’s statistics, with “Streaming video now part of the Web experience for a broad base of consumers,” explained Peter Daboll, CEO of the company.

“That’s changing advertising on the Web,” continued the internet expert. “By allowing richer, more emotive connections between brands and consumers, online video is uniquely positioned to break through clutter and other obstacles facing advertisers today.”

ComScore’s statistics show male and female viewers spending virtually the same amount of time viewing streaming video content, at 72.4 and 70.6 minutes respectively, while the 18-34 year-old male audience actively consumes a significantly greater 84 minutes per viewer.

The statistics could enable advertisers effective cut-through within particular demographics, especially when targeting notoriously difficult younger audiences.

Most streaming occurs between 10am and 4:30pm, according to comScore, followed closely by late night viewing between 1am and 7am.

Last month saw new research from branded content specialist, Contentworx, reveal almost one-third of viewers aged 25-34 watching television programmes away from the TV, with the majority of those watching TV via broadband, spending “over 30 minutes” per day with the medium.

Elsewhere, TV consumption via mobile phone was found to occupy “up to ten minutes” per day, further proving the growing demand for streaming video (see One Third Of TV Viewers Watch TV Away From The Box).

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