
Student Television Network Boosts Reach By 40%

Student Television Network Boosts Reach By 40%

SUBtv, the student media network, has expanded its range of plasma television screens to encompass a further 20 universities across the UK, in a move that brings nearly 1.5 million extra viewers to the service.

The latest move will bring SUBtv to a total of 75 universities in time for the new academic year beginning in September. The huge increase in subscribers follows a concerted effort by the company and a surge of new distribution deals with universities including Liverpool and Greenwich.

The fledgling media network, which launched earlier this year with the backing of venture capital firm Beringea, claims to provide advertisers with unprecedented access to an otherwise elusive audience of 18 to 24 year-old ABC1s. The company now reaches 28% of this age group, as well as 70% of the national university population.

Commenting on the broadcaster’s rapid expansion, Peter Miles, managing director of SUBtv, said: “For the first time advertisers will be able to target a mass audience of this very desirable sector. As reaching young people is becoming increasingly difficult through most of the main media, we know our medium can offer unique and valuable opportunities to a range of major advertisers.”

Among those already advertising through SUBtv’s network of plasma screens are several high-profile brand owners, including Vodafone, Lynx and Puma. The network offers advertisers a mix of conventional 30-second spots, or more integrated sponsorship, funded programming and direct marketing opportunities.

In addition to big-brand advertising, SUBtv has attracted the attention of several local advertisers, keen to target the student population of their regions. The West Midlands Police Department is one such advertiser investing in the company’s digital television network (see Student Television Network Courts Big Name Advertisers).

Earlier this month the network appointed Digital Media Sales to sell airtime across its rapidly expanding network, leaving SUBtv free to concentrate on sponsorship and advertiser funded programming, while utilising DMS to maximise airtime sales (see Student Media Network Appoints Sales House).

Beringea: 020 7845 7820 www.beringea.com

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