
STV counters ITV’s lawsuit with its own £47 million claim

STV counters ITV’s lawsuit with its own £47 million claim

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STV has countered ITV’s £38 million lawsuit with its own legal action.

ITV claims that the Scottish franchise failed to comply with its contractual obligations to contribute to the network’s programming budget.

In September, ITV released a statement saying: “STV is attempting retrospectively to opt out of an increasing number of peaktime programmes which contravenes existing agreements.

“The company is also wrongly attempting to claim a rebate against programmes which have been ‘written off’.  We are currently withholding monies from STV against this debt and currently believe the net debt is approximately £15 to £20 million.”

However, STV filed its own claim today.  The broadcaster, which holds the ITV1 licences in Scotland, is seeking up to £12 million in damages under claims that ITV is exploiting new media rights without its consent.

In its defence against ITV, STV also submitted a £35 million claim as well as an additional counter-claim “in respect of the conduct of the airtime sales agreement by ITV Consumer”.

The Scottish broadcaster is expected to file more claims regarding “significant prejudicial behaviour on the part of ITV Network and ITV plc”.

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