
Subtv and Gym Screen Media agree merger

Subtv and Gym Screen Media agree merger

Peter Miles Subtv, the national youth media network, and Gym Screen Media, the national health club network, have agreed a merger of their ventures which will see them brought together under the newly formed Media 42 Group.

The two networks will maintain their brand identity and positioning but production, technology and delivery skills will be combined in content creation.

Former Subtv chief executive Peter Miles will become the CEO of Media 42. He said: “This is a very exciting time for the digital media networks sector, and combining two companies with strong growth was an obvious opportunity.

“However once we began to explore the practical possibilities the synergies became irresistible. I am personally very excited to be given the chance to work with the highly talented management team and staff of both companies.”

Gym Screen Media’s managing director Guy Bucknall will not take a position with the new company.

Subtv sales director Craig Harris has been appointed Media 24 sales director, while national sales for Gym Screen Media will continue to be handled by Boomerang.

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