
Technology For Technology’s Sake Doesn’t Necessarily Build Website Use, Says Jupiter

Technology For Technology’s Sake Doesn’t Necessarily Build Website Use, Says Jupiter

New research reveals that 40% of web surfers will visit a news or information site more often if its pages load faster and advises that companies should worry less about spending lots of money on the latest web design technology, as this will not increase user levels.

According to the Jupiter Research Web Enterprise report, Back to Basics: Enhancing User Experience at Low Cost, businesses should assess the needs of their website visitors before investing in costly, high-profile development features such as non-PC transactions or rich media.

Of those US users surveyed, people are more likely to revisit sites that are fast loading, customisable and more informative than those that offer rich media or content delivery to wireless handsets.

“To make the best use of their budgets in the near term, most companies should avoid risky, glamorous Web enhancements,” said Jupiter Media Metrix analyst, Cormac Foster. “Before beginning any site development, companies should survey their users because every site’s users are different. Retail sites especially might learn that they can address their user experience issues at a low cost without having to invest in new technologies.”

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